Universal Dependencies

Cette partie est dédié à des discussions techniques sur :

Comme la discussion est aussi à destination d'un public non nécessairement francophone, l'emploi de l'anglais est autorisé, voir encouragé !

This part is devoted to technical discussion about:

  • the conversion of FRMG parses into the Universal Dependencies Scheme
  • the choices to be made for some French syntactic phenomena
  • the limits and problems of the French annotation guide and of the available French dataset

English is accepted and even recommended for these discussions.

The sections in this book may be related to dependency labels (such as nsubjpass, xcomp, ...) or syntactic constructions (such as clefted constructions, relatives, ...)

Whenever possible, the discussion should be illustrated by sample sentences, with both the FRMG DepXML output and the UD output. For sake of comparison, the CONLL-FTB output is also encouraged.



Verbs and Auxiliaries