Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que l'ATALA met géneureusement en place une offre de bourses pour les étudiants adhérents de l'association, souhaitant assister à IWPT'09 et à la journée ATALA.

11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Sponsored by ACL/SIGPARSE
7th-9th October, 2009
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
Paris, France

ACL/SIGPARSE will host the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'09) on October 7th-9th, 2009. IWPT'09 continues the tradition of biennial workshops on parsing technology organized by SIGPARSE, the Special Interest Group on Parsing of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

The first workshop, in Pittsburgh and Hidden Valley, was followed by workshops in Cancun (Mexico) in 1991; Tilburg (Netherlands) and Durbuy (Belgium) in 1993; Prague and Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) in 1995; Boston/Cambridge (Massachusetts) in 1997; Trento (Italy) in 2000; Beijing (China) in 2001; Nancy (France) in 2003; Vancouver (Canada) (2005); and Prague (Czech Republic) in 2007.

Topics of interest for IWPT'09 include, but are not limited to:

  • theoretical and practical studies of parsing and transduction algorithms for natural language sentences, texts, fragments, dialogues, ill-formed sentences, speech input, multi-dimensional (pictorial) or signed languages, multimedia (web) documents;
  • parsing issues arising or viewed in a multimodal and multilingual context;
  • parsing in relation to semantic and pragmatic information and communication;
  • cognitive aspects of grammar and their impact on parsing.

Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches are equally welcome.

Further information
At the site http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sigparse/ you can also obtain information about previous IWPTs, proceedings, books based on IWPTs, and SIGPARSE related activities.