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Hebrew Dependency Parsing: First Results

Yoav Goldberg and Michael Elhadad

11th International Conference on Parsing Technology (IWPT 2009)
Paris, France, 7th-9th October, 2009


We describe a newly available Hebrew Dependency Treebank, which is extracted from the Hebrew (constituency) Treebank. We establish some baseline unlabeled dependency parsing performance on Hebrew, based on two state-of-the-art parsers, MST-parser and MaltParser. The evaluation is performed both in an artificial setting in which the data is assumed to be properly morphologically segmented and POS-tagged, and in a real-world setting in which the parsing is performed on automatically segmented and POS-tagged text. To this end, we present an evaluation measure that takes into account the possibility of incompatible token segmentation between the gold standard and the parsed data. Results indicate that (a) MST-parser performs better on the Hebrew data than does MaltParser, and (b) MST parser makes better use of morphological information than MaltParser.

START Conference Manager (V2.56.8 - Rev. 780)