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Thomas Ahlswede and Martha Evens. Parsing vs, text processing in the analysis of dictionary definitions. In Proc. of ACL'88, pages 217--224, 1988.

H Alshawi. Analysing the dictionary definitions. In Computational lexicography for natural language processing, pages 153--169. Longman, 1989.

A. Analyti, N. Syratos, and P. Constantopoulos. On the definition of semantic network semantics. Technical Report FORTH-ICS-TR-187, FORTH, Hellas, 1997.

Doug Beeferman. Lexical discovery with an enriched semantic network. In Harabagiu [10], pages 135--141.

J. Chang and J. Chen. Acquisition of computational-semantic lexicons from machine readable resources. In ACL'96 Workshop on the Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons, 1996.

Martin Chodorow, Roy J. Byrd, and George E. Heidorn. Extracting semantic hierarchies from a large on-line dictionary. In Proc. of ACL'85, pages 299--304, 1985.

Giuseppe De Giacomo and Maurizio Lenzerini. A uniform framework for concept definitions in description logics. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 6:87--110, 1997.

Xavier Farreres, German Rigau, and Horacio Rodríguez. Using WordNets for building WordNets. In Harabagiu [10], pages 65--72.

Thomas R. Gruber. Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing. In Formal Ontology in Conceptual Analysis and knowledge representation. Kluwer Academic Press, 1993. also Technical Report KSL 93-04, Stanford University.

Sanda Harabagiu, editor. COLING-ACL'98 Workshop on "Usage of WordNet in Natural Language Processing Systems". Université de Montréal, 1998.

M. Doerr I. Dionysiadou. Mapping of material culture to a semantic network. In Proc. 1994 JOINT ANNUAL MEETING, International Council of Museums Documentation Committee and Computer Network, 1994.

N. Ide and J. Veronis. Extracting knowledge bases from machine-readable dictionaries. In Proc. of KB&KS'93, pages 257--266, 1993.

Daniel Kayser. La représentation des connaissances. Hermes, 1997.

J. Klavans, M. Chodorow, and N. Wacholder. From dictionary to knowledge base via taxinomy. In Proc. of the sixth conf. of the University of Waterloo, Canada, 1990.

Oi Yee Kwong. Bridging the gap between dictionary and thesaurus. In COLING-ACL'98 [26], pages 1487--1489.

Claudia Leacok, Martin Chodorow, and George A. Miller. Using corpus statistics and WordNet relations for sense identification. Computational Linguistics, 24(1):147--166, Mars 1998.

J. Markowitz, T. Ahlswede, and M. Evens. Semantically significant patterns in dictionary definitions. In Proc. of ACL'86, pages 112--119, 1986.

G. Miller. Five papers on WordNet. Special issue of Int. Journal of Lexicography, 3(4), 1990.

S. Montemagni and L. Vanderwende. Structural pattern vs. string pattern for extracting semantic information from dictionaries. In Proc. of ACL'92, pages 546--552, 1992.

Tom O'Hara, Kavi Mahes, and Sergei Nirenburg. Lexical acquisition with WordNet and the Mikrokosmos ontology. In Harabagiu [10], pages 94--101.

Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie. Multilingual terminology production through an intermediate kn owledge level: Knowledge acquisition methods and techniques. Tâche 3.3.2 du Projet LE4-8356 Term--IT, devant être inclus da ns le document D3.1, June 1999.

Stephen D. Richardson, William B. Dolan, and Lucy Vanderwende. MindNet: Acquiring and structuring semantinc information from text. In COLING-ACL'98 [26], pages 1098--1102.

C. Rigau, J. Atserias, and E. Agirre. Building acurate semantic taxinomies from MRDs. In COLING-ACL'98 [26], pages 1103--1109.

John Sowa. Lexical Structures and Conceptual Structures. Kluwer, 1989.

John Sowa, editor. Principles of Semantic Network. Morgan Kaufman, 1991.

Université de Montréal. COLING-ACL'98. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, August 1998.

P. Vossen, P. Diez-Orzas, and W. Peters. The multilingual design of EuroWordNet. In Proc. of the ACL/EACL-97 workshop on Automatic Information Extraction and Building of Lexical Semantic Resources for NLP application, 1997.

Piek Vossen, editor. EuroWordNet: A multilingual database with lexical semantic networks. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

Pierre Zweingenbaum and Jacques Bouaud. Construction d'une représentation sémantique en graphe conceptuels à partir d'une analyse LFG. In Proc. of TALN'97, 1997.

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