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Gilles Adda, Joseph Mariani, Patrick Paroubek, Martin Rajman, and Josette Lecomte. L'action grace d'évaluation de l'assignation de parties du discours pour le français. Langues, 2-2:119-130, 1999.

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Eva Hajicova, Jarmila Panevova, and Petr Sgall. Language ressources need annotations to make them reusable: the prague dependency treebank. In Proceedings First Conference on Linguistic Resources, pages 713-718, Granada, 1998.

Nancy Ide, Jean Véronis, and Greg Priest-Dorman. Corpus encoding standard. Technical report, EAGLES/MULTEX, 1996.

Timo Järvinen. Annotating 200 millions words: the bank of english project. In Proceedings 15th COLING, pages 565-568, Kyoto, 1994.

Timo Järvinen. Bank of English and beyond, chapter Treebanks (éd. Anne Abeillé). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

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Ursula von Rekowski. Elm-fr : Specifications for french morphosyntax, lexicon specification and classification guidelines. EAGLES document, 1996.

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