Analyse syntaxique statistique pour des langages à morphologie riche

IWPT'09 Discussion Panel
Date: Thursday, October 8 2009, 16:00--18:15


Following very interesting discussions that occured during EACL09 between various researchers, the idea of having an opportunity to talk about the issues we are all having in statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages emerged and seemed such a good idea that we decided to take advantage of IWPT'09 to organize a panel on this topic. Presentations will be made about the various issues faced by the community in order to share our sometimes similar solutions for different languages.

This panel will be kindly chaired by Josef van Genabith (CNGL, Dublin City University) and of course it is open to everyone who might be interested.

The local organisers wish to thank all people involved who made this meeting possible.

For any inquiries regarding this event, please contact djame.seddah (at)

  • Panel Chair Josef van Genabith (DCU, Dublin, Irland)
  • Program Chair: Djamé Seddah (University Paris Sorbonne, France)
How to (and not to) Parse Nonconfigurational Phenomena
Reut Tsarfaty
Applying a Tagging Model for Unknown Words to French and Arabic Parsing
Jennifer Foster, Deirdre Hogan, and Joseph Le Roux
Arabic Parsing With Function Labels
Lamia Toumsi
Challenges of Statistical Parsing of Modern Hebrew
Yoav Goldberg
Lexicon Impact and parsing model : Comparing the relative performance of statistical parsers on the WSJ and the FTB
Djamé Seddah, Benoit Crabbé, Marie Candito
Parsing German: Problems, Challenges, Perspectives...
Sandra Kuebler, Wolfgang Maier, Ines Rehbein and Yannick Versley
Are phrase-structure trees informative enough? Examples from French
Marie Candito