Invited Talk by John Carroll Moving Parsing into the Real World: Noisy Text, Grammatical Representations and Applications
Much recent research in natural language parsing takes as input
carefully crafted, edited text, often from newspapers. However, many
real-world applications involve processing text which is not written
carefully by a native speaker, is produced for an eventual audience
of only one, and is in essence ephemeral. In this talk I will
present a number of research and commercial applications of this
type which I and collaborators are developing, in which we parse
text as diverse as mobile phone text messages, non-native language
learner essays, internet chat, and primary care medical notes. I
will discuss the problems these types of text pose for a parser, and
outline how we integrate information from parsing into applications.
Coffee Break and Poster Display
Chair: Éric de la Clergerie
Parsing Algorithms based on Tree Automata
Andreas Maletti and Giorgio Satta PDF|BibTeX
We investigate several algorithms related to the parsing problem for weighted
automata, under the assumption that the input is a string rather than a tree.
This assumption is motivated by several natural language processing
We provide algorithms for the computation of parse-forests, best tree
probability, inside probability (called partition function), and prefix
probability. Our algorithms are obtained by extending to weighted tree
automata the Bar-Hillel technique, as defined for context-free grammars.
Weighted parsing of trees
Mark-Jan Nederhof PDF|BibTeX
We show how parsing of trees can be formalized in terms of the intersection of
two tree languages. The focus is on weighted regular tree grammars and
weighted tree adjoining grammars. Potential applications are discussed, such
as parameter estimation across formalisms.
Short Paper Session I (Chair: Alexis Nasr)
Automatic Adaptation of Annotation
Standards for Dependency Parsing -- Using Projected Treebank as Source
Corpus Wenbin Jiang and Qun Liu PDF|BibTeX
We describe for dependency parsing the annotation adaptation strategy,
which can automatically transfers knowledge from a source corpus
with a different annotation standard to the desired target parser,
with the supervision by a target corpus annotated in the desired
standard. Furthermore, instead of a hand-annotated one, a projected
treebank derived from a bilingual corpus is used as the source corpus.
This benefits the resource-scarce languages which haven't different
hand-annotated treebanks. Experiments show the target parser gains
significant improvement over the baseline parser trained on the target
corpus only, especially when the size of target corpus is smaller.
Learning Stochastic Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars with a Cubic Time Biparsing Algorithm
Markus Saers, Joakim Nivre and Dekai Wu PDF|BibTeX
We present a method for heavily pruning the estimation of Stochastic Bracketing
Inversion Transduction Grammars.
The estimated grammars are evaluated by building a standard Phrase-based
statistical MT system on top of the alignments dictated by the Viterbi parse of
the grammar.
The trade-off between speed and translation quality is discussed, and compared
to a standard word alignment system.
Empirical lower bounds on translation unit error rate for the full class of inversion transduction grammars
Anders Søgaard and Dekai Wu PDF|BibTeX
Empirical lower bounds studies in which the frequency of alignment
configurations that cannot be induced by a particular formalism is estimated,
have been important for the development of syntax-based machine translation
formalisms. The formalism that has received most attention has been inversion
transduction grammars (ITGs) (Wu, 1997). All previous work on the coverage of
ITGs, however, concerns parse failure rates (PFRs) or sentence level coverage,
which is not directly related to any of the evaluation measures used in machine
translation. Søgaard and Kuhn (2009) induce lower bounds on translation unit
error rates (TUERs) for a number of formalisms, incl.~normal form ITGs, but not
for the full class of ITGs. Many of the alignment configurations that cannot be
induced by normal form ITGs can be induced by unrestricted ITGs, however. This
paper estimates the difference and shows that the average reduction in lower
bounds on TUER is 2.48 in absolute difference (16.01 in average parse failure
Chair: Harry Bunt
Predictive Text Entry using Syntax and Semantics
Sebastian Ganslandt, Jakob Jörwall and Pierre Nugues PDF|BibTeX
Most cellular telephones use numeric keypads, where texting is supported by
dictionaries and frequency models. Given a key sequence, the entry system
recognizes the matching words and proposes a rank-ordered list of candidates.
The ranking quality is instrumental to an effective entry.
This paper describes a new method to enhance entry that combines syntax and
language models. We first investigate components to improve the ranking step:
language models and semantic relatedness. We then introduce a novel syntactic
model to capture the word context, optimize ranking, and then reduce the number
of keystrokes per character (KSPC) needed to write a text. We finally combine
this model with the other components and we discuss the results.
We show that our syntax-based model reaches an error reduction in KSPC of
12.4\% on a Swedish corpus over a baseline using word frequencies. We also show
that bigrams are superior to all the other models. However, bigrams have a
memory footprint that is unfit for most devices. Nonetheless, bigrams can be
further improved by the addition of syntactic models with an error reduction
that reaches 29.4\%.
Parsing Formal Languages using Natural Language Parsing Techniques
Jens Nilsson, Welf Löwe, Johan Hall and Joakim Nivre PDF|BibTeX
Program analysis tools used in software maintenance must be robust and ought to
be accurate?classical parsers are accurate but not robust. Data driven
parsing approaches are both robust to 100% and highly accurate. We apply data
driven dependency parsing to software. The accuracy observed for programming
as Java, C/C++, and Python is over 90%, way above the accuracy for natural
languages. Further experiments indicate that post-processing can (almost)
completely remove the remaining errors. Finally, the training data for
instantiating the generic parser can be generated automatically for formal
languages, opposed to the manually developed treebanks used for natural
languages. Altogether, this approach improves the robustness of software
maintenance tools without showing a significant negative affect on their
Short Paper Session II (Chair: Pierre Boullier)
An Incremental Earley Parser for Simple Range Concatenation Grammar
Laura Kallmeyer and Wolfgang Maier PDF|BibTeX
We present an Earley-style parser for simple range concatenation grammar, a
formalism strongly equivalent to linear context-free rewriting systems.
Furthermore, we present different filters which reduce the number of items in
the parsing chart. An implementation shows that parses can be obtained in a
reasonable time.
Deductive Parsing in Interaction Grammars
Joseph Le Roux PDF|BibTeX
We present a parsing algorithm for Interaction
Grammars using the deductive
parsing framework. This approach brings
new perspectives to this problem, departing
from previous methods which rely on
constraint-solving techniques.
Synchronous Rewriting in Treebanks
Laura Kallmeyer, Wolfgang Maier and Giorgio Satta PDF|BibTeX
Several formalisms have been proposed for modeling trees with discontinuous
phrases. Some of these formalisms allow for synchronous rewriting. However, it
is unclear whether synchronous rewriting is a necessary feature. This is an
important question, since synchronous rewriting greatly increases parsing
complexity. We present a characterization of recursive synchronous rewriting in
constituent treebanks with discontinuous annotation. An empirical investigation
reveals that synchronous rewriting is actually a necessary feature.
Furthermore, we transfer this property to grammars extracted from treebanks.
An Improved Oracle for Dependency Parsing with Online Reordering
Joakim Nivre, Marco Kuhlmann and Johan Hall PDF|BibTeX
We present an improved training strategy for dependency parsers that use online
reordering to handle non-projective trees. The new strategy improves both
efficiency and accuracy by reducing the number of swap operations performed on
non-projective trees by up to 80%. We present state-of-the-art results for five
languages with the best ever reported results for Czech.
Two stage constraint based hybrid approach to free word order language dependency parsing
Akshar Bharati, Samar Husain, Dipti Misra and Rajeev Sangal PDF|BibTeX
The paper describes the overall design of a new two stage constraint based
hybrid approach to dependency parsing. We define the two stages and show how
different grammatical construct are parsed at appropriate stages. This division
leads to selective identification and resolution of specific dependency
relations at the two stages. Furthermore, we show how the use of hard
constraints and soft constraints helps us build an efficient and robust hybrid
parser. Finally, we evaluate the implemented parser on Hindi and compare the
results with that of two data driven dependency parsers.
Coffee Break and Poster Display
Short Paper Session III (Chair: Harry Bunt)
Analysis of Discourse Structure with Syntactic Dependencies and Data-Driven Shift-Reduce Parsing
Kenji Sagae PDF|BibTeX
We present an efficient approach for discourse parsing within and across
sentences, where the unit of processing is an entire document, and not a single
sentence. We apply shift-reduce algorithms for dependency and constituent
parsing to determine syntactic dependencies for the sentences in a document,
and subsequently a Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) tree for the entire
document. Our results show that our shift-reduce framework achieves high
accuracy and a large improvement in efficiency compared to a state-of-the-art
dynamic programming approach.
Evaluating Contribution of Deep Syntactic Information to Shallow Semantic Analysis
Sumire Uematsu and Jun'ichi Tsujii PDF|BibTeX
This paper presents shallow semantic parsing based on only HPSG parses. We
constructed an HPSG-FrameNet map from a semantically annotated corpus, and
performed semantic parsing by mapping HPSG dependencies to FrameNet relations.
The semantic parsing was evaluated in a Senseval-3 task, and the promising
result suggested high contribution of syntactic information to semantic
Chair: Stephen Clark
Weight Pushing and Binarization for Fixed-Grammar Parsing
Matt Post and Daniel Gildea PDF|BibTeX
We apply the idea of weight pushing (Mohri, 1997) to CKY parsing with
fixed context-free grammars. Applied after rule binarization, weight
pushing takes the weight from the original grammar rule and pushes it
down across its binarized pieces, allowing the parser to make better
pruning decisions earlier in the parsing process. This process can be
viewed as generalizing weight pushing from transducers to hypergraphs.
We examine its effect on parsing efficiency with various binarization
schemes applied to tree substitution grammars from previous work. We
find that weight pushing produces dramatic improvements in efficiency,
especially with small amounts of time and with large grammars.
Co-Parsing with Competitive Models
Lidia Khmylko, Kilian A. Foth and Wolfgang Menzel PDF|BibTeX
We present an asymmetric approach to a run-time combination of two parsers
where one component serves as a predictor to the other one. Predictions are
integrated by means of weighted constraints and therefore are subject to
preferential decisions. Previously, the same architecture has been successfully
used with predictors providing partial or inferior information about the
parsing problem. It has now been applied to a situation where the predictor
produces exactly the same type of information at a fully competitive quality
level. Results show that the combined system outperforms its individual
components, even though their
performance in isolation is already fairly high.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Invited Talk by Mark Johnson
Learning Rules with Adaptor Grammars
Nonparametric Bayesian methods are interesting because they may
provide a way of learning the appropriate units of generalization
(i.e., the "rules" of a grammar) as well as the generalization's
probability or weight (i.e., the rule's probability). Adaptor Grammars
are a framework for stating a variety of hierarchical nonparametric
Bayesian models, where the units of generalization can be viewed as
kinds of PCFG rules. This talk describes the mathematical and
computational properties of Adaptor Grammars and linguistic
applications such as word segmentation, syllabification and named
entity recognition. The later part of the talk reviews MCMC inference
and describes the MCMC algorithms we use to sample adaptor grammars.
Coffee Break and Poster Display
Chair:Mark-Jan Nederhof
Capturing Consistency between Intra-clause and Inter-clause Relations in Knowledge-rich Dependency and Case Structure Analysis
Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi PDF|BibTeX
We present a method for dependency and case structure analysis that
captures the consistency between intra-clause relations (i.e., case
structures or predicate-argument structures) and inter-clause
relations. We assess intra-clause relations on the basis of case
frames and inter-clause relations on the basis of inference knowledge
between case frames. Both knowledge bases are automatically acquired
from a massive amount of parses of a Web corpus. The significance of
this study is that the proposed method selects the best dependency and
case structure that are consistent within each clause and between
clauses. We confirm that this method contributes to the improvement of
dependency parsing of Japanese.
Constructing parse forests that include exactly the n-best PCFG trees
Pierre Boullier, Alexis Nasr and Benoît Sagot PDF|BibTeX
This paper describes and compares two algorithms that take as input a shared
PCFG parse forest and produce shared forests that contain exactly the n most
likely trees of the initial forest. Such forests are suitable for subsequent
processing, such as (some types of) reranking or LFG f-structure computation,
that can be performed ontop of a shared forest, but that may have a high (e.g.,
exponential) complexity w.r.t. the number of trees contained in the forest. We
evaluate the performances of both algorithms on real-scale NLP forests
generated with a PCFG extracted from the Penn Treebank.
Short Paper Session IV (Chair: Djamé Seddah)
Hebrew Dependency Parsing: Initial Results
Yoav Goldberg and Michael Elhadad PDF|BibTeX
We describe a newly available Hebrew Dependency Treebank, which is
extracted from the Hebrew (constituency) Treebank.
We establish some baseline unlabeled dependency parsing performance on
Hebrew, based on two state-of-the-art parsers, MST-parser and
The evaluation is performed both in an artificial setting, in which
the data is assumed to be properly morphologically segmented and
POS-tagged, and in a real-world setting, in which the parsing is
performed on automatically segmented and POS-tagged text.
We present an evaluation measure that takes into account the
possibility of incompatible token segmentation between the gold
standard and the parsed data.
Results indicate that (a) MST-parser performs better on Hebrew data
than MaltParser, and (b) both parsers do not make good use of
morphological information when parsing Hebrew.
Scalable Discriminative Parsing for German
Yannick Versley and Ines Rehbein PDF|BibTeX
Generative lexicalized parsing models, which are the mainstay
for probabilistic parsing of English, do not
perform as well when applied to languages with different
language-specific properties such as free(r) word order
or rich morphology in combination with case syncretism.
Unlexicalized PCFG parsing with annotated treebank grammars has been
shown to improve performance for German and other non-English languages,
while the generative lexicalized models do not seem to be as easily
adaptable to these languages.
In this paper, we show how the fine-grained control that annotated
treebank grammars allow can be enriched with additional features in a
factored discriminative model, gaining additional flexibility with
respect to generative models without having to suffer from sparse data
problems. We demonstrate the flexibility of the approach by
integrating unsupervised PP attachment and POS-based word clusters
into the parser.
Improving generative statistical parsing with semi-supervised word clustering
Marie Candito and Benoît Crabbé PDF|BibTeX
We present a semi-supervised method to improve statistical parsing performance.
We focus on the well-known problem of lexical data sparseness and present
experiments of word clustering prior to parsing. We use a combination of
lexicon-aided morphological clustering that preserves tagging ambiguity, and
unsupervised word clustering, trained on a large unannotated corpus. We apply
these clusterings to the French Treebank, train with the PCFG-LA unlexicalized
algorithm of (Petrov et al.,06). We find a gain in French parsing performance:
we improve results from a baseline of F1=86.76% to F1=87.37% using
morphological clustering, and up to F1=88.29% using further unsupervised
clustering. This is the best known score for French probabilistic parsing.
These preliminary results are very encouraging for statistically parsing
morphologically-rich languages, and languages with small amount of annotated
Application of feature propagation to dependency parsing
Kepa Bengoetxea and Koldo Gojenola PDF|BibTeX
This paper presents a set of experiments per-formed on parsing the Basque
Dependency Treebank. We have applied feature propaga-tion to dependency
parsing, experimenting the propagation of several of the most important
morphosyntactic feature values from: a) auxil-iary verbs to the main verb, in
verb phrases b) the last constituent to the head noun, in noun phrases c) the
last conjunct to the conjunction, in coordination. In the experiments we have
used the output of a parser to enrich the input of a second parser. Both
parsers have been generated by Maltparser, a freely data-driven dependency
parser generator. The transforma-tions, combined with the pseudoprojective
graph transformation, obtain a LAS of 77.12% improving the best reported
results for Basque.
Guessing the Grammatical Function of a Non-Root F-Structure in LFG
Anton Bryl, Josef Van Genabith and Yvette Graham PDF|BibTeX
Lexical-Functional Grammar (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982) f-structures are
bilexical labelled dependency representations. We show that the Naive Bayes
classifier is able to guess missing grammatical function labels (i.e. bilexical
dependency labels) with reasonably high accuracy (82?91%). In the experiments
we use f-structure parser output for English and German Europarl data,
automatically ?broken? by replacing grammatical function labels with a
generic UNKNOWN label and asking the classifier to restore the label.
Chair: Joakim Nivre
Cross parser evaluation : a French Treebanks study
Djamé Seddah, Marie Candito and Benoît Crabbé PDF|BibTeX
This paper presents preliminary investigations on the statistical
parsing of French by bringing a complete evaluation on French data
of the main based probabilistic lexicalized (Charniak, Collins,
Chiang) and unlexicalized (Berkeley) parsers designed first on the
Penn Treebank. We adapted the parsers on the two existing treebanks
of French \cite{abeille:03,schluter:07}. To our knowledge, all the
results reported here are state-of-the-art for the constituent
parsing of French on every available treebank. Regarding the
algorithms, the comparisons show that lexicalized parsing models are
outperformed by the unlexicalized Berkeley parser. Regarding the
treebanks, we observe that a tag set with a specific feature, has
direct influences over evaluation results depending on the parsing model
Transition-Based Parsing of the Chinese Treebank using a Global Discriminative Model
Yue Zhang and Stephen Clark PDF|BibTeX
Transition-based approaches have shown competitive performance on constituent
and dependency parsing of Chinese. State-of-the-art accuracies have been
achieved by a deterministic shift-reduce parsing model on parsing the Chinese
Treebank 2 data (Wang et al., 2006). In this paper, we propose a global
discriminative model based on the shift-reduce parsing process, combined with a
beam-search decoder, obtaining competitive accuracies on CTB2. We also report
the performance of the parser on CTB5 data, obtaining the highest scores in the
literature for a dependency-based evaluation.
Short Paper Session V (Chair: Valia Kordoni)
Grammar Error Detection with Best Approximated Parse
Jean-Philippe Prost PDF|BibTeX
In this paper, we propose that grammar error detection be disambiguated in
generating the connected parse(s) of optimal merit for the full input
utterance, in overcoming the cheapest error.
The detected error(s) are described as violated grammatical constraints in a
framework for Model-Theoretic Syntax (MTS).
We present a parsing algorithm for MTS, which only relies on a grammar of
well-formedness, in that the process does not require any extra-grammatical
resources, additional rules for constraint relaxation or error handling, or any
recovery process.
The effect of correcting grammatical errors on parse probabilities
Joachim Wagner and Jennifer Foster PDF|BibTeX
We parse the sentences in three parallel error corpora using a generative,
probabilistic English parser, and for each grammatical/ungrammatical sentence
pair, we compare the parse probabilities of the most likely analyses. We
examine the effect of particular error types on parse probability.
Conference dinner (19:30 at Restaurant Le Procope)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Invited Talk by Joakim Nivre
Discontinuous Dependency
There is a strong tendency in natural language
syntax such that elements that have a direct syntactic relation
are also adjacent in the surface realization of a sentence.
Nevertheless, notable exceptions to this generalization exist in
practically all languages and are especially common in languages
with free or flexible word order. Syntactic theorists, on the one
hand, have developed a variety of representational devices for
dealing with these exceptions, including phonetically null
elements, gap threading, and non-projective dependency trees.
Syntactic parsers, on the other hand, use these devices very
restrictively since they add to the complexity of an already
daunting task. This is especially true of data-driven parsers,
where discontinuity is often simply ignored. In this talk, I will
review techniques for dealing with discontinuous structures in the
framework of dependency parsing, focusing on parsing algorithms
that build structures from non-adjacent elements and in particular
transition-based algorithms that use online reordering.
Coffee Break and Poster Display
Chair:John Carroll
Effective Analysis of Causes and Inter-dependencies of Parsing Errors
Tadayoshi Hara, Yusuke Miyao and Jun'ichi Tsujii PDF|BibTeX
In this paper, we propose two methods for analyzing errors in parsing. One is
to classify errors into categories which grammar developers can easily
associate with defects in grammar or a parsing model and thus its improvement.
The other is to discover inter-dependencies among errors, and thus grammar
developers can focus on errors which are crucial for improving the performance
of a parsing model.
The first method uses patterns of errors to associate them with categories of
causes for those errors, such as errors in scope determination of coordination,
PP-attachment, identification of antecedent of relative clauses, etc. On the
other hand, the second method, which is based on re-parsing with one of
observed errors corrected, assesses inter-dependencies among errors by
examining which other errors were to be corrected as a result if a specific
error was corrected.
Experiments show that these two methods are complementary to each other and by
being combined, they can provide useful clues as to how to improve given
Clustering Words by Syntactic Similarity improves Dependency Parsing of Predicate-argument Structures
Kenji Sagae and Andrew S. Gordon PDF|BibTeX
We present an approach for deriving syntactic word clusters from parsed text,
grouping words according to their unlexicalized syntactic contexts. We then
explore the use of these syntactic clusters in leveraging a large corpus of
trees generated by a high-accuracy parser to improve the accuracy of another
parser based on a different formalism for representing a different level of
sentence structure. In our experiments, we use phrase-structure trees to
produce syntactic word clusters that are used by a predicate-argument
dependency parser, significantly improving its accuracy.
Short Paper Session VI (Chair: Benoît Sagot)
The chunk as the period of the functions length and frequency of words on the syntagmatic axis
Jacques Vergne PDF|BibTeX
Chunking is segmenting a text into chunks, sub-sentential segments, that Abney
ap-proximately defined as stress groups. Chunking usually uses monolingual
resources, most often exhaustive, sometimes partial : function words and
punctuations, which often mark beginnings and ends of chunks. But, to extend
this method to other languages, monolingual resources have to be multiplied. We
present a new method : endogenous chunking, which uses no other resource than
the text to be segmented itself. The idea of this method comes from Zipf : to
make the least communication effort, speakers are driven to shorten frequent
words. A chunk then can be characterized as the period of the periodic
correlated functions length and frequency of words on the syntagmatic axis.
This original method takes its advantage to be applied to a great number of
languages of alphabetic script, with the same algorithm, without any resource.
Using a maximum entropy-based tagger to improve a very fast vine parser
Anders Søgaard and Jonas Kuhn PDF|BibTeX
In this short paper, an off-the-shelf maximum entropy-based POS-tagger is used
as a partial parser to improve the accuracy of an extremely fast linear time
dependency parser that provides state-of-the-art results in multilingual
unlabeled POS sequence parsing.
HPSG Supertagging: A Sequence Labeling View
Yao-zhong Zhang, Takuya Matsuzaki and Jun'ichi Tsujii PDF|BibTeX
Supertagging is a widely used speed-up technique for deep parsing. In another
aspect, supertagging comes to be exploited in other NLP than parsing for
utilizing the rich syntactic information given by the supertags. However, the
performance of supertagger is still a bottleneck in such applications. To
improve the accuracy of supertagging, we investigated the relationship between
supertagging and parsing; We started from a sequence labeling view of HPSG
supertagging, examining how well a supertagger can do when separated from
parsing. Comparison of two types of supertagging model, point-wise model and
sequential model, showed that the former model works competitively well despite
its simplicity, which indicates the true dependency among supertag assignments
is far more complex than the crude first-order approximation made in the
sequence model. We then analyzed the limitation of separated supertagging by
using a CFG-filter. The results showed that big gains could be acquired by
resorting to a light-weight parser.
We present an approach for smoothing treebank-PCFG lexicons with lexical
information obtained from a large unannotated corpus, by interpolation of
treebank lexical parameters with estimates obtained from unannotated data via
the inside-outside algorithm. The PCFG has complex lexical categories, making
relative-frequency estimates from a treebank very sparse. This kind of
smoothing for complex lexical categories results in improved parsing
performance, with a particular advantage in identifying obligatory arguments
subcategorized by verbs unseen in the treebank.
Wide-coverage parsing of speech transcripts
Jeroen Geertzen PDF|BibTeX
This paper discusses the performance difference of wide-coverage·¶
parsers on small-domain speech transcripts. Two parsers (C\&C CCG·¶
and RASP) are tested on speech of two different domains (parent-child
language, and picture descriptions).¶
The performance difference between the domain-independent parsers and a·¶
domain-trained parsers (MEGRASP) is substantial,·¶
with a difference of about 30 percent point in accuracy. Despite this gap,¶
some of the grammatical relations can still be recovered reliably.¶
This paper introduces a formal framework that presents a novel Interactive
Predictive Parsing schema which can be operated by a user, tightly integrated
into the system, to obtain error free trees. This compares to the classical
two-step schema of manually post-editing the erroneus constituents produced by
the parsing system. We have simulated interaction with this system and
calculated evalaution metrics, which established that an IPP system results in
a high amount of effort reduction for a manual annotator compared to a
two-step system.
Using Treebanking Discriminants as Parse Disambiguation Features
Md. Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury, Yi Zhang and Valia Kordoni PDF|BibTeX
This paper presents a novel approach of incorporating fine-grained treebanking
decisions made by human annotators as discriminative features for automatic
parse disambiguation. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that
exploits treebanking decisions for this task. The advantage of this approach is
that use of human judgements is made. The paper presents comparative analyses
of the performance of discriminative models built using treebanking decisions
and state-of-the-art features. We also highlight how differently these features
scale when these models are tested on out-of-domain data. We show that,
features extracted using treebanking decisions are more efficient, informative
and robust compared to traditional features.
Heuristic search in a cognitive model of human parsing
John Hale PDF|BibTeX
We present a cognitive~process model of human sentence~comprehension based on
generalized left-corner parsing. A search heuristic based upon
previously-parsed corpora derives garden~path effects, garden~path paradoxes,
and the local~coherence effect.
Dependency Parsing with Energy-based Reinforcement Learning
Lidan Zhang and Kwok Ping Chan PDF|BibTeX
We present a model which integrates dependency parsing with reinforcement
learning based on Markov decision process. At each time step, a transition is
picked up to construct the dependency tree in terms of the long-run reward. The
optimal policy for choosing transitions can be found with SARSA algorithm. In
SARSA, an approximation of the state-action function can be obtained by
calculating the negative free energies for the Resticted Boltzmann Machine. The
experimental results on CoNLL-X multilingual data show that the proposed model
achieves comparable results with the current state-of-the-art methods.
A generative re-ranking model for dependency parsing
Federico Sangati, Willem Zuidema and Rens Bod PDF|BibTeX
We propose a framework for dependency parsing based on a combination of
discriminative and generative models. We use a discriminative model to obtain a
k-best list of candidate parses, and subsequently rerank those candidates using
a generative model. We show how this approach allows us to evaluate a variety
of generative models, without needing different parser implementations.
Moreover, we present empirical results that show a small improvement over
state-of-the-art dependency parsing of English sentences.
Coffee Break and Poster Display
Chair:Philippe Blache
Dependency Constraints for Lexical Disambiguation
Guillaume Bonfante, Bruno Guillaume and Mathieu Morey PDF|BibTeX
We propose a generic method to perform lexical disambiguation in lexicalized
grammatical formalisms. It relies on dependency constraints between words. The
soundness of the method is due to invariant properties of the parsing in a
given grammar that can be computed statically from the grammar.
Parsing Directed Acyclic Graphs with Range Concatenation Grammars
Pierre Boullier and Benoît Sagot PDF|BibTeX
Range Concatenation Grammars (RCGs) are a syntactic formalism which possesses
many attractive properties. It is more powerful than Linear Context-Free
Rewriting Systems, though this power is not reached to the detriment of
efficiency since its sentences can always be parsed in polynomial time. If the
input, instead of a string, is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), we show that,
for an important subclass, the slightly tuned standard parsing algorithm can
still run in polynomial time. Nevertheless, for non-linear grammars, this
polynomial parsing time cannot be guaranteed anymore.