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Revision: 1.3
4 Related works

4.1 WordNet and EuroWordNet

WordNet is a computational lexicon that classify English words into sets of synonyms (synsets) that denote concepts. Synsets are themselves organized in a kind-of taxonomy. Addtionnal relations between synsets are present, such as the part-of relations. WordNet has been done by hand, but experiences to automatize the building of brother wordnets for European languages (Project EuroWordNet) are being conducted.

The importance of WordNet as a source of conceptual information for all kinds of linguistic processing has been recognized with many different experiences and specialized workshops.

4.2 MindNet

MindNet is a massive semantic network built by a Microsoft Research Team by automatically extracting knowledge from the Machine Readable Dictionary LDOCE and more recently from the encyclopedia Encarta. Knowledge is extracted using a robust parser based on the grammar checker of Microsoft Office bundle and incorporated in the semantic network. The nodes of the network are either concepts (such as car) or relations (such as drive) and edges are labeled by several kinds of lexical, syntactic, thematic or semantic relations (listed in Figure 1).

Attribute Goal Possessor
Cause Hypernym Purpose
Co-Agent Location Size
Color Manner Source
Deep_Object Material Subclass
Deep_Subject Means Synonym
Domain Modifier Time
Equivalent Part User

Figure 1 : Semantic relations in MindNet

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