Figure 1 presents a simplified view of the proposed meta-model for morpho-syntactic annotations, while Figure 2 presents a more formal view based on UML. An annotated document is formed by a raw original document and a set of annotations. The annotations are carried by word forms covering zero, one or more segments or tokens of the original document. A word form may reference a lexicon entry and provides information about its underlying lemma and inflected form. The morpho-syntactic content attached to a word form is expressed by feature structures following the guidelines of one or more tagsets. The terminology or set of categories used in tagsets are described w.r.t. registered data categories. Because of structural ambiguities, both tokens and word forms are organized into one or more flows, materialized by lattices, or more formally by Directed Acyclic Graphs [DAGs]. The current proposal addresses the representation of segments (through tokens), word forms, morpho-syntactic content, tagsets, and ambiguity. A MAF model is instantiated from the MAF meta-model through the selection of a set of data categories.