
  1. {
  2. %% example: les patients ne peuvent pas ou peu utiliser leurs bras
  3. %% an adbneg may be coordinated with an adv (that attenuate the negaton of the advned)
  4. <: coord;
  5. node(Root).cat = value(advneg);
  6. node(Root).bot = node(Foot).top;
  7. node(coo3).adj=value(no);
  8. desc.dummy.ante = value(-);
  9. node(Anchor).lex = value(et|ou);
  10. %% Coord3 share the same values with Coord2
  11. node(Coord2).type = value(coanchor);
  12. node(Coord2).cat = value(adv);
  13. }

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Class Graph View
