%% person nominal may be adjoined to sentence
%% example: Jean, partons !
%% example: Les enfants, que faites vous ?
node N2: [cat: N2, type: subst, id:person_mod, top: [hum: +,sat: +, time: -, wh: -]];
node(Root).cat = value(~ N2);
node Seq: [type: sequence];
Seq >> N2;
node(Foot).dummy.cat = value(N2);
node(Incise).ante.adj = value(strict);
node(Incise).post.adj = value(strict);
node(Foot).bot.person = value(1|2);
N2 +
node(Foot).bot.person = value(1),
node(Foot).bot.number = value(pl)
node(Foot).bot.person = value(2),
node(Foot).bot.number = value(sg|pl)
node(Root).cat = value(S);
node(Root).adj = value(no);
node(Modifier).que_restr = value(-);
Seq >> Interj;
Interj < N2;
node Interj: [cat:pres, type: coanchor, id: interj, optional: yes, lex: oh];
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