%% some cleft constructions remove the main verbs
%% example: c'est lui le chef
%% standing for "c'est lui qui est le chef"
%% example: c'est le chat le coupable
%% Also work for reversed construction
%% example: le chef, c'est lui.
%% Also work with infinitive sentence
%% example: dormir, c'est mourir un peu
%% desc.ht = value([arg0: @emptyarg_fs,arg1: @emptyarg_fs,arg2: @emptyarg_fs]);
S >> N2;
node S : [cat: S, id: S, bot: [sat: -]];
node(S).top.extraction = value(-);
node(S).bot.extraction = value(cleft);
node(S).bot.gender = node(S).top.gender;
node(S).bot.number = node(S).top.number;
node(S).bot.person = node(S).top.person;
node(S).bot.mode = node(S).top.mode;
node(S).bot.tense = node(S).top.tense;
node(S).bot.neg = node(S).top.neg;
node(S).bot.wh = node(S).top.wh;
node(S).bot.inv = node(S).top.inv;
node N1: [type: alternative];
N1 >> N1N;
N1 >> N1S;
N1N < N1S;
node N2: [type: alternative];
N2 >> N2N;
N2 >> N2S;
N2 >> N2Adj;
N2N < N2S;
N2S < N2Adj;
node N1N: [cat: N2, id: subject, type: subst, top:[ sat: + ]];
node N2N: [cat: N2, id: comp, type: subst, top:[ sat: + ]];
node N1S: [cat: S, id: subject, type: subst, top:[ mode: infinitive, extraction: -, sat: - ]];
node N2S: [cat: S, id: comp, type: subst, top:[ mode: infinitive, extraction: -, sat: - ]];
node N2Adj: [cat: adjP, id: comp, type: subst];
%% difficult to set strict constraints
N2N +
node(N1N).top.person = node(N2N).top.person,
node(N1N).top.gender = node(N2N).top.gender,
node(N1N).top.number = node(N2N).top.number
node(N1N).top.number = value(pl),
node(N1N).top.person = value(2),
node(N2N).top.number = value(sg)
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