
  1. {
  2. %% generic class to attach a relative on an antecedent
  3. %% the antecedent maybe an NP (N2) or some adverbs acting as pronoun
  4. %% node(Root).bot = node(Foot).top;
  5. Root >> Incise; node Incise : [cat:incise, id:incise, type:std];
  6. node(Incise).top.sync = node(Incise).bot.sync;
  7. node(Incise).top.sync = value(-);
  8. node(Incise).adjleft = value(atmostone);
  9. node(Incise).adjright = value(sync);
  10. Incise >> S;
  11. Foot < Incise;
  12. node S : [cat:S,
  13. id:SRel,
  14. top:[sat: -,
  15. mode: conditional|subjonctive|indicative|adjective|infinitive,
  16. extraction: rel
  17. ]];
  18. }

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