
  1. {
  2. %% Clitic inverted subject immediatly follow the first tensed verb (be it aux or modal)
  3. %% example: que mange-t-il, que n'a-t-il pas voulu mange, que veut-il manger
  4. %% it may only appear with wh-sentences
  5. %% it may be present with subject in canonical position
  6. %% example: quel livre Jean veut-il que Paul lise ?
  7. Infl >> clsubj_alt;
  8. %% Anchor may be v or aux
  9. Anchor < clsubj_alt;
  10. node clsubj_alt : [type: alternative];
  11. - clsubj_alt::agreement; clsubj_alt = clsubj_alt::N;
  12. node(clsubj_alt).top = node(clsubj_alt).bot;
  13. clsubj_alt >> clsubj;
  14. clsubj_alt >> clsubj_ilimp;
  15. clsubj_alt >> clsubj_il;
  16. clsubj < clsubj_ilimp;
  17. clsubj_ilimp < clsubj_il;
  18. node clsubj : [cat:cln, id: subject, type: coanchor, adj:no];
  19. - clsubj::agreement; clsubj = clsubj::N;
  20. node clsubj_ilimp : [cat:ilimp, id: impsubj, type: coanchor, adj:no];
  21. - clsubj_ilimp::agreement; clsubj_ilimp = clsubj_ilimp::N;
  22. %% ilimp is not yet perfect !
  23. node clsubj_il : [cat:cln, id: impsubj, type: coanchor, adj:no, lex: '-il'|'-t-il'];
  24. - clsubj_il::agreement; clsubj_il = clsubj_il::N;
  25. clsubj_alt =>
  26. node(Infl).bot.wh = value(+),
  27. node(Infl).bot.mode = value(~infinitive|participle|gerundive|imperative);
  28. %% in the case of impersonal, we can both a clsubj (for the impersonal) and a
  29. %% true postverbal subject
  30. %% example: existe-il une raison pour ne pas venir ?
  31. clsubj_alt =>
  32. node(Infl).bot.inv = value(cl),
  33. desc.dummy.impsubj = value(-|post)
  34. |
  35. node(Infl).bot.inv = value(~cl),
  36. desc.dummy.impsubj = value(post)
  37. % |
  38. % desc.dummy.impsubj = value(+)
  39. ;
  40. clsubj +
  41. = value(-),
  42. desc.dummy.impsubj = value(-)
  43. ;
  44. clsubj_ilimp +
  45. = value(+),
  46. desc.dummy.impsubj = value(post)
  47. ;
  48. clsubj_il +
  49. = value(+),
  50. desc.dummy.impsubj = value(post)
  51. ;
  52. % = desc.dummy.impsubj;
  53. ~ clsubj_alt =>
  54. node(Infl).bot.inv = value(~cl)
  55. |
  56. node(Infl).bot.inv = value(cl),
  57. node(Infl).bot.mode = value(infinitive|participle),
  58. node(V).top.mode = value(~infinitive|participle|gerundive|imperative)
  59. ;
  60. }

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