
  1. class cnoun {
  2. %% Common nouns
  3. <: _cnoun;
  4. node Nc : [cat: nc];
  5. node(N2).bot.time = node(Nc).top.time;
  6. node(N2).bot.hum = node(Nc).top.hum;
  7. node(N2).bot.semtype = node(Nc).top.semtype;
  8. det =>
  9. node(N2).bot.sat = value(+);
  10. ~ det =>
  11. node(N2).bot.countable = value(-),
  12. node(N2).bot.wh = value(-),
  13. node(N2).bot.sat = value(-);
  14. %% add a node dominating N2 to anchor noun arguments
  15. %% in order to allow adjoining on the noun
  16. %% example: l'envie soudaine qu'il vienne
  17. node N2Root: [cat: N2, adj: no, type:std];
  18. node(N2Root).bot = node(N2).top;
  19. N2Root >> Arg0;
  20. N2Root >> N2;
  21. N2 < Arg0;
  22. node Arg0: [type: sequence];
  23. Arg0 =>
  24. desc.@kind0 = value(scomp),
  25. desc.@real0 = value(S),
  26. desc.@extracted0 = value(-),
  27. node(N2).bot.sat = value(+)
  28. ;
  29. ~ Arg0 =>
  30. desc.@kind0 = value(-),
  31. desc.@extracted0 = value(-),
  32. desc.@real0 = value(-)
  33. ;
  34. Arg0 >> csu;
  35. node csu: [cat: que, adj: no, id: csu, type: coanchor ];
  36. Arg0 >> SArg;
  37. node SArg : [cat: S, id: xcomp, type: subst, top: [mode: ~participle|gerundive|imperative]];
  38. csu < SArg;
  39. }

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