Extracting and Visualizing Quotations from News Wires

Reference ID6390
TitreExtracting and Visualizing Quotations from News Wires
Publication TypeConference Paper
Année de publication2009
Auteursde La Clergerie, É, Sagot, B, Stern, R, Denis, P, Recourcé, G, Mignot, V
EditorVetulani, Z
Nom de la conférenceLTC 2009 - 4th Language and Technology Conference
Lieu de la conférencePoznań, Pologne

We introduce SAPIENS, a platform for extracting quotations from news wires, associated with their author and context. The originality of SAPIENS is that it relies on a deep linguistic processing chain, which allows for extracting quotations with a wide coverage and an extended definition, including quotations which are only partially quotes-delimited verbatim transcripts. We describe the architecture of SAPIENS and how it was applied to process a corpus of French news wires from the AFP news agency.

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