node(Root).cat = value(N2);
node Coord2: [cat:N2, type: subst, bot: [wh: $wh, time: $time2, hum: $hum2, sat: $sat, enum: $enum ^ ~enum, semtype: $semtype2]];
node Coord3: [bot: [wh: $wh, time: $time3, hum: $hum3, sat: $sat, enum: $enum, semtype: $semtype3]];
node(Root).bot.wh = $wh;
node(Foot).bot.wh = $wh;
node(Root).bot.time = $time;
node(Foot).bot.time = $time;
node(Root).bot.hum = $hum;
node(Foot).bot.hum = $hum;
node(Root).bot.semtype = $semtype;
node(Foot).bot.semtype = $semtype;
%% Coordination may transform a sequence of unsaturated nouns inside a saturated one
node(Root).bot.sat = value(+);
node(Foot).bot.sat = $satfoot;
% node(Foot).bot.enum = $enum;
% node(Foot).bot.enum = value(~enum);
%% node(Foot).bot.enum = node(Root).bot.enum;
node(Root).bot.enum = value(enum);
node(Root).bot.gender = value(~on);
node(Root).bot.headcat = node(Foot).top.headcat;
%% should be on Foot, but doesn't seem to work properly
%% Maybe a bug in DyALog
Anchor +
$satfoot = value(-),
$sat = value(-)
$satfoot = value(+)
%% node(Anchor).lex = value(ni|et|ou);
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