
  1. {
  2. %% Nominal phrases corresponding (modified) body part
  3. %% may act as sentence modifier (close to an adv)
  4. %% example: le menton sur les mains, elle priait
  5. %% example: tête courbée, il avançait
  6. %% example: mains sur la tête, il recule
  7. <: cnoun;
  8. desc.@kind0 = value(-);
  9. - s_modifier; Modifier = N2Root; node(Foot) = value(adv);
  10. node(Root).cat = value(~ N2);
  11. % node(Root).bot = node(Foot).top;
  12. %% we introduce a new semtype feature to characterize various kinds of nc
  13. %% and require here the bodypart type (see complete.lex)
  14. node(Anchor).bot.semtype = value(bodypart);
  15. %% right adj is mandatory
  16. node(N2).adj = value(strict);
  17. node(N2).adjleft = value(no);
  18. node(N2).adjwrap = value(no);
  19. }

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