
  1. class noun {
  2. %% Nouns
  3. node N2 : [cat: N2,type: std, bot: [enum: -]];
  4. = value([arg0: [ pcas: -|de|à,
  5. kind: -|obj|scomp|vcomp,
  6. real: -|S,
  7. extracted: -
  8. ],
  9. arg1: @emptyarg_fs,
  10. arg2: @emptyarg_fs]);
  11. %% only the clitic 'on' may have pseudo gender 'on'
  12. node(N2).top.gender = value(fem|masc);
  13. node(N2).bot.headcat = node(Anchor).cat;
  14. N2 >> N;
  15. N >> Anchor;
  16. node N : [ cat: N, type: std ];
  17. - anchor::agreement; Anchor = anchor::N;
  18. - n::agreement; N = n::N;
  19. node(N).bot.headcat = node(Anchor).cat;
  20. }

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