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Séminaires antérieurs à 2009
08.09.2008 :: Helge Dyvik (Univ. Bergen, Norvege) :: Deep Grammars in Hybrid Machine Translation

The topic of the talk is a proof-of-concept machine translation demonstrator translating tourism-related texts from Norwegian into English. The system is developed within a project called LOGON (http://www.emmtee.net/) in cooperation between groups at the universities of Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim. It is a hybrid transfer system in which the backbone is rule-based, with statistical processing interspersed. The Norwegian analysis is performed by a comprehensive Norwegian Lexical-Functional grammar developed on the Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) platform, in conjunction with morphological analysis and other modules. The grammar is augmented with a Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS) component, whose representations are the input to transfer. An unusual feature of the system is that it combines two grammatical models: the English target grammar is the English Resource Grammar (ERG), which is based on the HPSG framework. Statistical processing is responsible for parse selection, ranking of transfer outputs, and ranking of generator outputs.

The presentation will focus on the analysis component of the system, including LFG grammar development, the development of the MRS component, and the development of a treebank tool called a 'Parse Banker', which is a discriminant-based system for selecting the desired analysis efficiently in treebank construction. The Parse Banker was used to produce training material for the derivation of the statistical model for parse selection.

02.06.2008 :: Giorgio Satta (University of Padova) :: Measuring Parsing Difficulty Across Treebanks
07.04.2008 :: Alexandros Tantos :: Interpreting Discourses based on Lexical Semantic Knowledge
21.01.2008 :: Josef van Genabith :: Treebank-Based Wide-Coverage Probabilistic LFG Resources
07.01.2008 :: Erhard W. Hinrichs :: Treebanks of German -- Annotation Schemes and NLP Applications
10.12.2008 :: Piet Mertens :: Un analyseur syntaxique pour grammaires de dépendance et de valence, appliqué au français
26.11.2008 :: Didier Bourigault :: Un analyseur syntaxique opérationnel : Syntex
12.11.2008 :: Philippe Langlais :: Traduction de mots inconnus par apprentissage analogique
05.11.2008 :: Natalie Schluter :: Probabilistic parsing of French and automatic acquisition of LFG resources
15.10.2008 :: David Reitter :: Syntactic priming in corpora as evidence for the sentence production architecture
01.10.2008 :: Laurence Danlos :: D-STAG: Using Synchronous TAG for Discourse