
  1. {
  2. node(Root).cat = value(VMod);
  3. node(Foot).bot.position = value(post|postsubj);
  4. %% we want to test the compatibiity of cat
  5. %% but not instantiate
  6. %% hence the use of ==
  7. Modifier +
  8. node(Foot) == node(Foot)
  9. ;
  10. % node(Foot) = node(Foot);
  11. node(Foot) = value(CS|PP|N2|adv|S|advneg|pres|que|pro);
  12. node(Root) = value(CS|PP|N2|adv|S|advneg|pres|que|pro);
  13. node(Root).bot.position = node(Root).top.position;
  14. node(Root).bot.number = node(Root).top.number;
  15. node(Root).bot.gender = node(Root).top.gender;
  16. node(Root).bot.person = node(Root).top.person;
  17. %% it seems we can assume the following
  18. node(Root).bot = node(Root).top;
  19. }

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