Recipes for the impatients
The best way to play with FRMG is to use the parsing interface available on this wiki.
The parsing interface actually calls a cruder but more complete parsing service available here.
FRMG Wiki also provide a service to process small corpora (less than one million words).
Recipes for the geeks
For the courageous, it is possible to install the full processing chain developed by the ALPAGE team, including FRMG.
All needed packages are freely available under open-source licenses. They may be fetched from INRIA GForge and compiled under Linux and Mac OS environments. The process is however largely automated with the help of the alpi installer, a Perl script that does the job of fetching and compiling the Alpage packages and some other dependent packages (mostly Perl ones).
The alpi script may be found here (Note:it is strongly advised to use the version that is available under SVN). Please note that the compilation of some components (in particular FRMG) requires a relatively powerful computer, with RAM (2 to 4 Go) and disk (at least 10Go). Fortunately, the run time requirements for using the chain are more reasonable !
To install the chain with alpi, fetching the sources from the SVN repositories:
perl ./alpi --svn=anonymous --prefix=<where to install>
For more info, use
perldoc ./alpi
perl ./alpi --help
In case of problem, please contact me by mail, attaching the file 'alpi.log' produced by alpi.
To have more information about using the chain once installed, please have a look here (in French)
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