%% Prepositions
%% may introduce NP, S+infinitive, pronoun or ce que+S, simple nc or adj
desc.@real0 = node(PP).top.real;
desc.@real0 = value(N2|S|CS|pri|prel|adj|N|adv|-);
PP >> Group;
PP >> VMod;
node VMod: [cat: vmodprep, adjright: atmostone, type: std];
node(VMod).top = node(VMod).bot;
node(VMod).bot.pcas = node(prep).bot.pcas;
VMod >> prep;
VMod < Group;
node PP : [cat: PP];
node Group : [type: alternative];
Group =>
desc.@kind0 = value(~ -);
~ Group =>
desc.@kind0 = value(-),
desc.@real0 = value(-);
node prep : [cat: prep, adjright: atmostone, bot: [pcas: ~-]]; prep = Anchor;
desc.ht = value([arg0:[extracted: -,
node(PP).bot.pcas =node(prep).top.pcas;
%% Prepositions introducing a nominal phrase or a pronoun or some
%% unsaturated N2
Group >> N2;
node N2 : [cat: N2];
N2 +
desc.@kind0 = value(obj),
node(N2).top.wh = node(PP).top.wh;
N2 +
desc.@real0 = value(N2);
N2 +
node(N2).top.sat = value(+),
desc.@real0 = value(N2)
node(N2).top.sat = value(-),
desc.@real0 = value(N)
%% Prepositions introducing an infinitive sentence
%% they can only be introduced by à and de
%% WARNING: should revise the list of possible prep (pour après, avant, avant_de, ..?)
%% but maybe some confusion between prep/csu
Group >> S;
node S : [cat: S, top: [mode: infinitive, sat: -, extraction: -, control: ~causative]];
S +
desc.@kind0 = value(vcomp),
desc.@real0 = value(S),
node(PP).top.wh = value(-);
N2 < S;
%% Prepositions introducing a pri
%% example: à qui tu penses
%% This case is handled by N2
% Group >> pri;
% node pri: [cat: pri,type:coanchor,adj:no];
% pri +
% desc.@real0 = value(pri),
% desc.@kind0 = value(obj),
% node(PP).top.wh = value(+);
% S < pri;
%% Prepositions introducing a wh-sentence
%% example: j'ai réussi à ce qu'il vienne
%% they can only be introduced by a and de
%% WARNING: they may confused with relative construction: scomp-extraction
%% je pense qu'il dit qu'il vient => je pense à ce qu'il dit
% handled by verb subcat
% Group >> CSGroup;
% CSGroup >> CS;
% CSGroup >> ce;
% node CSGroup : [type: sequence];
% node CS : [cat: CS, type: subst, top: [que: que]];
% node ce : [type:coanchor,lex:ce, cat: ce, id:ce ];
% CSGroup +
% desc.@kind0 = value(scomp),
% desc.@real0 = value(CS);
% ce < CS;
% %% pri < CSGroup;
% S < CSGroup;
%% prepositions introducing an adjP
Group >> adjP;
node adjP : [type: subst, cat: adjP];
adjP +
desc.@kind0 = value(acomp),
desc.@real0 = value(adj);
% CSGroup < adjP;
S < adjP;
%% prepositions introducing an adv
Group >> adv;
node adv : [type: coanchor, cat: adv, bot: [adv_kind: ~ très]];
adjP < adv;
adv +
desc.@kind0 = value(sadv),
desc.@real0 = value(adv);
%% prepositions introducing a PP
%% example: je pars de chez mon frère.
%% example: Des contrats ont été signés dès avant le lancement de la production
%% example: je pense aux évenements d'il y a un mois
Group >> PPchez;
node PPchez : [type: subst, cat: PP, id: PP, bot: [ real: N2|adv, pcas: chez|loc]];
adv < PPchez;
PPchez +
desc.@real0 = value(N2)
% node(prep).bot.pcas = value(loc|de)
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