SYNTAX allows to generate parsers based on their grammatical descriptions. Recognized formalisms: CFG (deterministic or ambiguous), TAG, LFG, RCG, ...
Conceived, developped and maintained by Pierre Boullier, Benoît Sagot and Philippe Deschamp , SYNTAX is a system that allows, on the one hand, from a context-free grammar to build the corresponding optimized automata, on the other hand, with the help of an analysis library, to execute the resulting automatas on source texts. SYNTAX allows to process either deterministic context-free grammars belonging to LR class, or general context-free grammars. The deterministic version has industrial applications (e.g. Ada). The current version of SYNTAX (version 6.0 beta) also includes parsers generators for other formalisms, be they context-sensitive formalisms (TAG, RCG) or formalisms relying on context-free grammars but completed with attribute computing, in particular for Natural Language Processing (LFG formalism).
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