Our tools and resources

This page presents the main software of Project ALPAGE. Please consult a more complete catalogue of Alpage tools and resources.
In order to easily install our software, we strongly advise you to use Alpage Installer (alpi).

alpi: ALPage Installer
logo alpi alpi (formerly installatoll) is a Perl script to help users install locally ALPAGE software. It can also be used to install Alpage linguistic processing chain for French. It is quite useful because it detects dependencies and installs them automatically.

Alpage Linguistic Processing Chain
Alpage project team develops and maintains a full linguistic processing chain for French (try our online demo) . This chain is based on DyALog, FRMG, Lefff, SxPipe.
logo dyalog DyALog is an environment to compile and run logic programs and natural language tabular parsers for various grammatical formalisms (DCGs, TAGs, TIGs, RCGs). GForge page.

SYNTAX allows to generate parsers based on their grammatical descriptions. Recognized formalisms: CFG (deterministic or ambiguous), TAG, LFG, RCG, ...
ALPAGE Linguistic workbench
ALPAGE Linguistic workbench provides various components to setup and exploit a Linguistic Processing Chain, in particular for French.
MetaGrammar Toolkit
MetaGrammar Toolkit provides several tools to edit and compile MetaGrammars into TAGs. It also include a wide coverage French MG.
Alexina : Lefff, Pollex, Sklex
Atelier pour les LEXiques INformatiques et leur Acquisition - Développement de lexiques morphologiques et syntaxiques pour le TAL. Inclut divers outils ainsi que les lexiques Lefff (français), Pollex (polonais) et Sklex (slovaque).
SxLFG est un générateur d'analyseurs syntaxiques qui repose sur le formalisme des Grammaires Lexicales Fonctionnelles (Lexical Functional Grammars, LFG).
The WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français, Free French Wordnet) is a free semantic lexical resource (wordnet) for French.