$arg.extracted = value(~cleft|topic);
S >> VSubj;
VSubj =>
desc.ht.imp = value(-),
desc.extraction = value(~topic)
%% Impersonnal Subject
VSubj < imp_subj_alt;
S >> imp_subj_alt;
imp_subj_alt < V;
%% ça subject, redundant with a true subject
%% example: les chats ça mange les souris
%% example: ça ça serait vraiment euh sensationnel
%% example: La moto ça lui plait aussi .
S >> çasubj;
imp_subj_alt < çasubj;
çasubj < V;
node çasubj : [cat: pro, id: subject, lex: ça|cela|ce, type: coanchor];
çasubj =>
desc.dummy.çasubj = value(+),
desc.extraction = value(-),
desc.dummy.presubj = value(+),
$arg.real = value(~cln)
~ çasubj =>
desc.dummy.çasubj = value(-)
%% Post Verbal Subject
%% (in first approximation) may only occur for sentence with some extraction
%% but not for an extracted subject
%% May also occur for impersonal construction
%% example: il se raconte une rumeur
%% example: il se raconte qu'il vient
%% 'une rumeur' and 'qu'll vient' may be seen as the deep semantic subject
%% while 'il' is just a surface impersonal subject
V >> postsubj;
VMod < postsubj;
node postsubj : [id:vmod,cat:VMod,type:std, bot : [position: post]];
%% node(VMod).top = node(postsubj).bot;
postsubj >> postsubjGroup;
node(postsubj).top = node(postsubj).bot;
node postsubjGroup: [type: alternative,top:[real:N2|S|CS|PP]];
node(postsubjGroup).top = node(postsubjGroup).bot;
%% - postsubj::agreement; postsubj = postsubj::N;
postsubj =>
desc.dummy.presubj = value(-),
$arg.extracted = value(-),
$arg.real = node(postsubjGroup).top.real;
%% A post-verbal subject is only possible for finite moods
%% but for infinitive in the case of causative
%% Causative sentence only possible for personal verbs
%% example: Paul fait manger Marie
%% example: Paul fait manger une pomme à Marie
%% example: Paut fait manger une pomme par Marie
postsubj =>
desc.short_sentence = value(-),
node(V).top.mode = value(~infinitive|imperative|gerundive|participle),
node(S).top.control = value(-)
desc.short_sentence = value(-),
node(V).top.mode = value(infinitive),
node(S).top.control = value(causative|control_with_postsubj),
desc.ht.imp = value(-)
%% short sentence like 'finies les vacances'
%% see class S_pseudo_passive_sentence
desc.short_sentence = value(+),
node(V).top.mode = value(participle),
desc.@diathesis = value(passive)
%% passive participale
%% example: étant donnée la situation, je préfère partir
desc.short_sentence = value(-),
node(V).top.mode = value(gerundive),
desc.@diathesis = value(passive)
% ,node(S).bot.sat = value(ppart)
%% short sentence like 'difficile de venir ce soir'
%% see class S_pseudo_adj_sentence
desc.short_sentence = value(+),
node(v).cat = value(adj)
%% A subject may be inverted if either
%% - there is an extraction, not on the subject
%% example: le livre que veut lire Paul
%% - there is no extraction, but the verb is non-transitive
%% Vient un moment ou il faut choisir
%% - some impersonel constructions (deep subjects)
%% Il se propage des rumeurs
%% no aggrement when deep subject for impersonals
%% example: il se raconte des histoires
postsubj =>
desc.ht.imp = value(+),
$arg.kind = value(subj) % rule out 'nosubj' (impersonal without a deep subject)
desc.ht.imp = value(-),
node(Infl).bot.inv = value(+),
$arg.real = value(N2),
node(V).bot.number = node(postsubjGroup).top.number,
node(V).bot.gender = node(postsubjGroup).top.gender,
node(V).bot.person = node(postsubjGroup).top.person,
desc.extraction = value(~-|adjx)
desc.extraction = value(-),
$arg2::arg.kind = value(-|prepobj),
$arg1::arg.kind = value(-|prepobj)
~ postsubj =>
node(Infl).bot.inv = value(~+),
% node(S).top.control = value(~control_with_postsubj),
( desc.dummy.presubj = value(+)
desc.dummy.presubj = value(-),
node(Infl).bot.inv = value(cl),
$arg.real = value(cln)
desc.extraction = value(rel|wh),
$arg.real = value(-)
postsubj >> causative_prep;
node causative_prep: [type: coanchor, id: causative_prep, cat:prep, bot: [pcas: par|à]];
causative_prep < postsubjGroup;
causative_prep =>
node(v).cat = value(~adj),
node(S).bot.control = value(causative)
causative_prep =>
node(causative_prep).bot.pcas = value(à),
desc.ht.arg1.pcas = value(~à),
desc.ht.arg2.pcas = value(~à)
node(causative_prep).bot.pcas = value(par),
desc.ht.arg1.pcas = value(~par),
desc.ht.arg2.pcas = value(~par)
~ causative_prep =>
node(S).bot.control = value(~causative)
desc.ht.arg1.kind = value(-),
desc.ht.arg2.kind = value(-)
%% example: il se raconte des histoires
node post_noun::Subject : [cat:N2,type:subst,top:[wh:-,sat:+, case: nom]];
post_noun::SubjectGroup = postsubjGroup;
%% post_noun::Subject +
%% node(postsubj).bot.cat = value(csu|S|adv)
%% ;
%% example: il se raconte qu'il ne vient plus
node post_s::Subject : [cat:CS, type:subst, top: [que: que]];
post_s::SubjectGroup = postsubjGroup;
post_noun::Subject < post_s::Subject;
post_s::Subject +
node(V).top.mode = value(~subjonctive)
%% node(postsubj).bot.cat = value(adv)
%% example:
node post_v::Subject : [cat:S,
top:[mode: infinitive,
sat: -,
extraction: -,
control: ~causative ]];
post_v::SubjectGroup = postsubjGroup;
post_s::Subject < post_v::Subject;
% post_v::Subject +
% node(postsubj).bot.cat = value(adv)
% ;
%% example: il lui arrive de courir vite
node post_PP::Subject : [cat:PP,type:subst,top:[real: S, pcas: de]];
post_PP::SubjectGroup = postsubjGroup;
post_v::Subject < post_PP::Subject;
% post_PP::Subject +
% node(postsubj).bot.cat = value(adv)
% ;
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