Installatoll FAQ
Cette FAQ recence divers problèmes liés à l'exécution du script, ainsi qu'à l'installation et l'utilisation de notre chaîne de traitement linguistique ou de certains des outils qui la composent.
Pensez à consulter en premier lieu la documentation d' en tapant 'perldoc', ainsi que le fichier INSTALL fourni avec le script.
Ensuite vient la documentation propre à chaque outil, pensez à consulter le fichier README venant avec chaque paquetage. Ce fichier se trouve sous [exportbuild]/src/[paquetage]/.
Si l'installation échoue, veuillez consulter le fichier installatoll.log dans lequel se trouvera le message d'erreur.

General questions
Where can I find the documentation ?
Check README and INSTALL files provided with the script. Documentation is also available in pod format:
Where can I find the script Installatoll ?
You can download the script from ou Subversion repository, typing
svn checkout svn:// installatoll
Installing ALPAGE French linguistic processing chain
Please check INSTALL file for information about installation. If you encounter problems during installation, you should check the log file installatoll.log which is in the same directory as There should be an error message that will help you find a solution. Most of the time it will be a problem of dependency, so you need to make sure that you have all the tools necessary to run installatoll: please check INTALL file.
Where is the processing chain installed ?
The processing chain is installed under <prefix> (default=${HOME}/exportbuild).
Where is the log file ?
The log file installatoll.log is in the same directory as
Access to the Subversion repository is impossible.
It must be a matter of permissions. Please contact your network administrator regarding the use of Subversion through an internet connection.
"Connection closed by, svn: Connection closed unexpectedly"
Connection to the Subversion repository through ssh doesn't work. Please check in the INSTALL file that you have properly set up ssh. In most cases it means that the key was not properly pasted in your GForge profile (the carriage returns must be avoided). If this configuration has just been processed, you should wait until it is taken into account.
"Connecting to failed: Connection timed out. Giving up."
The FTP connexion is temporarily impossible. Thus, some packages cannot be downloaded. This kind of problem is fixed within minutes or hours.
"makeinfo is missing on your system"
This is a dependency of package DyALog. You need to install package texinfo.
Using the linguistic processing chain
The documentation regarding the use of the linguistic processing chain can be found typing 'perldoc' at a command prompt. You can also find documentation about each package in their own README file, which should be under [exportbuild]/src/[package].
When I try to start or stop the server of parsers, I get this error message: "parserd dead but subsys locked"
Remove <vardir>/var/lock/subsys/parserd.
When I use the command callparser, I get this error message: "Parsing error somewhere: pattern match read eof"
It is likely that a Perl module is missing. You need to install all Perl dependencies. You can retrieve the list of Perl modules typing:
./ --dep
When I launch parserd, I get this error message: "[exportbuild]/sbin/parserd_service: line 20: /sbin/consoletype: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type"
You need to install the RPM initscripts
When I try something like "frmgtel il mange" via Telnet, I get this error message: "Connection closed by foreign host."
It is likely that a Perl module is missing. Please run without option --skip_cpan, or, if you cannot connect to the CPAN, you need to install all Perl dependencies manually. You can retrieve the list of Perl modules typing:
./ --dep
When I launch callparser with option -d dep, the analysis succeeds but no graph is displayed.
Please make sure you have version 1.12 of GraphViz.
"command display not found"
You need to install package ImageMagick.
Special characters are not displayed correctly in the terminal.
The terminal encoding should be latin1 (ISO 8859-1) to work properly.
The analysis fails when trying any sentence.
If you are trying the processing chain through the server of parsers with a command like:
echo "il mange" | callparser -in - -p 9043
then you should try accessing the server of parsers with telnet:
telnet localhost 9043
then press the return key twice, and:
frmgtel il mange
If there is no change, then try to use the processing chain directly:
echo "il mange" | | tig_parser <prefix>/share/frmg/small_header.tag - -forest
Please contact us if none of these commands succeed.